
   2015-04-24 0
核心提示:A cat who resembles a cross betweenAlbert Einsteinand Grumpy Cat has become an online sensation after his 'unique

A cat who resembles a cross between Albert Einstein and Grumpy Cat has become an online sensation after his unique look caught the eye of Instagram users.

Pompous Albert has racked up tens of thousands fans, thanks largely to his angry face and unique coat.

The frowning feline even has a hint of evil leader about him - he is a Selkirk rex, a breed of cat known for its wild, tufty fur.

Due to his white-grey colour, Albert, who lives in Sagebrush Fine Art in Salt Lake City, Utah, was named after the famous physicist, who was known for his wild, grey hair.

The seven-year-old cat spends his days mulling around the gallery, with owners Mike and Susan Singleton snapping him in the likes of drawers, on printers and just generally looking annoyed at the world.
7岁的艾伯特每天跟着主任麦克和苏珊. 斯格利顿在走廊里游荡,看上去一副先天下之忧而忧的样子。主人有时会因为它爱翻抽屉、爱爬打印机呵斥几句。

And as he continues to become more popular, Mike and Susan hope to make donations to local shelters from any money they make.

Mike said: "The overwhelming interest in Albert have made us wonder if its real.

"He can glare without moving and so its intimidating."

He added: "But he loves when equipment in the office is being used - the shredder, fax, printer - he runs over and attacks them.

"Albert is a real sweetheart - when he is petted he has a loud purr, but its definitely on his terms."

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