中国总理会见柬埔寨国王 - Chinese premier meets Cambodian king

   2022-11-12 ecns0
核心提示:中国总理李克强星期五在这里的王宫会见了柬埔寨国王诺罗敦·西哈莫尼。 中柬两国是有着深厚传统友谊的好朋友、好兄弟、好伙伴,在涉及和平与安全的问题上始终相互尊重、平等相待、相互支持
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang met with King Norodom Sihamoni of Cambodia at the Royal Palace here on Friday.Li, during the meeting, conveyed Chinese President Xi Jinping's cordial greetings to King Sihamoni and the Chinese side's good wishes to Queen Mother Norodom Monineath Sihanouk.China and Cambodia are good friends, good brothers and good partners with a deep traditional friendship, and have always respected each other, treated each other as equals and supported each other on issues involving each other's core interests and major concerns, Li said.China highly appreciates the royal family's contributions to the China-Cambodia friendship and the promotion of bilateral exchanges and cooperation, he said.China is willing to provide assistance within its capacity to Cambodia in developing its economy and improving people's livelihood, and work with the Cambodian side to strengthen high-level exchanges and deepen mutual trust and cooperation to better benefit the two countries and their peoples, said the Chinese premier.Noting that his visit to Cambodia has achieved sound results, Li said this is conducive to promoting the sustainable and stable development of relations between China and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).At the upcoming leaders' meetings on East Asia cooperation, Li said, China looks forward to working with the participants to focus on safeguarding peace and stability, promoting economic growth, conducting constructive dialogues, and strengthening practical cooperation in various fields.Efforts should be make to send out a positive signal that East Asian countries are strengthening solidarity and coordination, seeking common development in the face of various challenges, which will also contribute to promoting the well-being of the countries and people in the region.King Sihamoni conveyed his good wishes to Xi and warmly welcomed Li's visit to Cambodia.Noting that the friendship between Cambodia and China has a long history, Sihamoni said the traditional friendship forged by the elder generation of leaders of the two countries has benefited both countries and their peoples.King Sihamoni said that Queen Mother Norodom Monineath Sihanouk and he himself have always cherished their friendship with China, expressing his gratitude to China for its assistance to Cambodia in various fields to help it safeguard peace and achieve unity and development.Cambodia firmly upholds the one-China principle and supports the building of a closer Cambodia-China community with a shared future, said King Sihamoni, adding that his country is ready to further consolidate and deepen its traditional friendship with China, and to push for new results in bilateral cooperation.Chinese State Councilor and Secretary-General of the State Council Xiao Jie also attended the meeting.Li's wife, Cheng Hong, has met with Cambodian Queen Mother Monineath.Chinese Premier Li Keqiang met with King Norodom Sihamoni of Cambodia at the Royal Palace here on Friday.Li, during the meeting, conveyed Chinese President Xi Jinping's cordial greetings to King Sihamoni and the Chinese side's good wishes to Queen Mother Norodom Monineath Sihanouk.China and Cambodia are good friends, good brothers and good partners with a deep traditional friendship, and have always respected each other, treated each other as equals and supported each other on issues involving each other's core interests and major concerns, Li said.China highly appreciates the royal family's contributions to the China-Cambodia friendship and the promotion of bilateral exchanges and cooperation, he said.China is willing to provide assistance within its capacity to Cambodia in developing its economy and improving people's livelihood, and work with the Cambodian side to strengthen high-level exchanges and deepen mutual trust and cooperation to better benefit the two countries and their peoples, said the Chinese premier.Noting that his visit to Cambodia has achieved sound results, Li said this is conducive to promoting the sustainable and stable development of relations between China and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).At the upcoming leaders' meetings on East Asia cooperation, Li said, China looks forward to working with the participants to focus on safeguarding peace and stability, promoting economic growth, conducting constructive dialogues, and strengthening practical cooperation in various fields.Efforts should be make to send out a positive signal that East Asian countries are strengthening solidarity and coordination, seeking common development in the face of various challenges, which will also contribute to promoting the well-being of the countries and people in the region.King Sihamoni conveyed his good wishes to Xi and warmly welcomed Li's visit to Cambodia.Noting that the friendship between Cambodia and China has a long history, Sihamoni said the traditional friendship forged by the elder generation of leaders of the two countries has benefited both countries and their peoples.King Sihamoni said that Queen Mother Norodom Monineath Sihanouk and he himself have always cherished their friendship with China, expressing his gratitude to China for its assistance to Cambodia in various fields to help it safeguard peace and achieve unity and development.Cambodia firmly upholds the one-China principle and supports the building of a closer Cambodia-China community with a shared future, said King Sihamoni, adding that his country is ready to further consolidate and deepen its traditional friendship with China, and to push for new results in bilateral cooperation.Chinese State Councilor and Secretary-General of the State Council Xiao Jie also attended the meeting.Li's wife, Cheng Hong, has met with Cambodian Queen Mother Monineath.
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