
   2015-04-17 0
核心提示:Some of the most prized scents in the world, including Chanel's famous No. 5, and every scent in the Krigler family,

Some of the most prized scents in the world, including Chanels famous No. 5, and every scent in the Krigler family, are designed to make its wearers smell of jasmine, sandalwood, neroli, vetiver and overall elegance. The new Burger King perfume is meant to smell like sizzling beef patties.

According to the ads, the perfume will be available for one day, on April 1, and only in Japan. Again, unless its a hoax.

This is not the first time the fast food chain has decided to dabble in the fragrance market. In 2008, Burger King released Flame by BK, a meat-scented body spray, in the U.S.

The Flame-Grilled fragrance is just the latest in a string of fast food/foods-you-probably-never-want-to-smell-like fragrances.

Just last year, the Cheetos brand produced a perfume called Cheeteau. Actual bottles of Cheetos scent were created, and sampled on the "Today" show, but the marketing campaign around it was just an elaborate prank. Like the Burger King Flame-Grilled fragrance, the Cheetos perfume was scheduled to launch on April Fools Day.

Pizza Hut Canada ended up making 110 bottles of Eau de Pizza Hut pizza-scented perfume after a photo of a fake Pizza Hut perfume on Facebook received positive feedback. The company delivered the pizza fragrance to winners of a Facebook contest.
当在facebook 上收到一张假冒必胜客香水的积极反馈照片之后,加拿大的必胜客停止了110瓶的必胜客比萨饼香味的香水的制作。公司还把该款香水送给了facebook上比赛的获胜者。

If youre not into smelling like Cheetos, burgers or pizza, a company called Fargginay.com sells a bacon perfume, and bills it as "scent by the Gods." Its $36 for a small bottle.

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