14个国家当选为联合国人权理事会成员 - 14 states elected into UN Human Rights Council

   2022-10-12 ecns0
The UN General Assembly on Tuesday elected 14 states into the Human Rights Council to succeed outgoing members.Through secret ballot, Algeria, Morocco, South Africa, Sudan (for Africa); Bangladesh, Kyrgyzstan, Maldives, Vietnam (for the Asia-Pacific); Georgia, Romania (for Eastern Europe); Chile, Costa Rica (for Latin America and the Caribbean); Belgium, Germany (for Western Europe and other states), were elected for a three-year term beginning on Jan. 1, 2023.Of the 14 states, Susan and Germany were elected for a consecutive second term.The Geneva-based UN Human Rights Council is an inter-governmental body responsible for promoting and protecting human rights around the world.It has 47 members, about a third of which are replaced every year so that the council members serve staggered three-year terms for the sake of continuity.The members of the council are not eligible for immediate re-election after two consecutive terms.Seats of the UN Human Rights Council are allocated on a regional group basis: 13 each for Africa and the Asia-Pacific; 8 for Latin America and the Caribbean; 7 for Western Europe and other states; 6 for Eastern Europe.The UN General Assembly on Tuesday elected 14 states into the Human Rights Council to succeed outgoing members.Through secret ballot, Algeria, Morocco, South Africa, Sudan (for Africa); Bangladesh, Kyrgyzstan, Maldives, Vietnam (for the Asia-Pacific); Georgia, Romania (for Eastern Europe); Chile, Costa Rica (for Latin America and the Caribbean); Belgium, Germany (for Western Europe and other states), were elected for a three-year term beginning on Jan. 1, 2023.Of the 14 states, Susan and Germany were elected for a consecutive second term.The Geneva-based UN Human Rights Council is an inter-governmental body responsible for promoting and protecting human rights around the world.It has 47 members, about a third of which are replaced every year so that the council members serve staggered three-year terms for the sake of continuity.The members of the council are not eligible for immediate re-election after two consecutive terms.Seats of the UN Human Rights Council are allocated on a regional group basis: 13 each for Africa and the Asia-Pacific; 8 for Latin America and the Caribbean; 7 for Western Europe and other states; 6 for Eastern Europe.
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