欧盟执行官提议对俄罗斯实施第八轮“严厉制裁” - EU executive proposes 8th package of 'biting sanctions' against R

   2022-09-29 ecns0
核心提示:周三,欧盟委员会提出了一项针对俄罗斯的“严厉制裁”新方案,旨在让克里姆林宫为乌克兰冲突升级“付出代价”。委员会主席乌苏拉·冯·德莱恩(Ursula von der Leyen)在这里的一次新闻发布会上表示,该方案是在“俄罗斯占领的乌克兰领土上的虚假全民公决”之后提出的。她解释说,拟议的第八个方案将进一步限制贸易,以“孤立并进一步打击俄罗斯经济”。这将使俄罗斯保持
The European Commission on Wednesday proposed a new package of "biting sanctions" against Russia, aimed at making the Kremlin "pay" for escalating the conflict in Ukraine.Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said at a press briefing here that the package comes after the "sham referenda in the Ukrainian territories occupied by Russia."She explained that the proposed package, the eighth of its kind, will further restrict trade to "isolate and hit Russia's economy even more." This will keep Russian products out of the European market and deprive Moscow of an additional seven billion euros (6.7 billion U.S. dollars) in revenue. The package also includes additional export bans on key technologies used for the military, such as aviation items, electronic components and specific chemical substances."These new export bans will additionally weaken Russia's economic basis and weaken its capacity to modernize," she said.She also said the sanctions package will provide the legal basis for a price cap on Russian oil for third countries and will ban European Union (EU) citizens from sitting on governing bodies of Russian state-owned enterprises.EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell said at the same press briefing that the EU member states will not recognize the referenda, saying "the Kremlin is following the same playbook that we have already seen in Georgia in 2008 and Crimea in 2014."Borrell said the EU will extend its list of persons and entities that have been sanctioned. The list currently includes more than 1,300 persons and entities.The new sanctions will have to be approved unanimously by the EU's 27 member states before they can be imposed.The European Commission on Wednesday proposed a new package of "biting sanctions" against Russia, aimed at making the Kremlin "pay" for escalating the conflict in Ukraine.Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said at a press briefing here that the package comes after the "sham referenda in the Ukrainian territories occupied by Russia."She explained that the proposed package, the eighth of its kind, will further restrict trade to "isolate and hit Russia's economy even more." This will keep Russian products out of the European market and deprive Moscow of an additional seven billion euros (6.7 billion U.S. dollars) in revenue. The package also includes additional export bans on key technologies used for the military, such as aviation items, electronic components and specific chemical substances."These new export bans will additionally weaken Russia's economic basis and weaken its capacity to modernize," she said.She also said the sanctions package will provide the legal basis for a price cap on Russian oil for third countries and will ban European Union (EU) citizens from sitting on governing bodies of Russian state-owned enterprises.EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell said at the same press briefing that the EU member states will not recognize the referenda, saying "the Kremlin is following the same playbook that we have already seen in Georgia in 2008 and Crimea in 2014."Borrell said the EU will extend its list of persons and entities that have been sanctioned. The list currently includes more than 1,300 persons and entities.The new sanctions will have to be approved unanimously by the EU's 27 member states before they can be imposed.
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