The Sino-American Aviation Heritage Foundation and Descendants of Flying Tigers Veterans Recall the

   2022-09-05 ecns0
核心提示:On June 8, Ambassador Qin Gang sent a letter of condolences to the families of Flying Tigers veterans who passed away in the past two years
On June 8, Ambassador Qin Gang sent a letter of condolences to the families of Flying Tigers veterans who passed away in the past two years via the Sino-American Aviation Heritage Foundation, in remembrance of the veterans' contributions to Chinese People’s War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and in honor of the spirit of the Flying Tigers and China-U.S. cooperation. Lately, the Foundation forwarded to the Embassy the letters from former U.S. Air Force Chief of Staff General Ronald Fogleman, former Commander of U.S. Pacific Command Admiral Richard Macke, former NASA Administrator Charles F. Bolden, former U.S. Air Force Major General William A. Cohen, and six descendants of Flying Tigers veterans. In the letters, they expressed gratitude to Ambassador Qin for the letter, recalled the touching history of U.S.-China cooperation in World War II and the precious friendship between the two peoples, and called on China and the United States to transcend their differences and work together for the wellbeing of our two peoples and humanity as a whole.Former U.S. Air Force Chief of Staff General Ronald Fogleman expressed thanks to Ambassador Qin for his very sincere and thoughtful letter.Former Commander of U.S. Pacific Command Admiral Richard Macke said that he made several visits to China and met with some Flying Tigers and Madame Chennault. Those were all memorable visits and proved that China and America can be friends.Former NASA Administrator Charles F. Bolden said that the “Remembering heroes — 80th Anniversary of the Flying Tigers” photo expo carried forward the spirit of collaboration and cooperation once enjoyed between our two nations and gave him hope that we will one day find the will to bring our nations together for the benefit of humankind.Former U.S. Air Force Major General William A. Cohen expressed gratitude to Ambassador Qin for the letter. His father Lt. Col. Sidnry Cohen (then a captain) was a member of the 7th Air Force in the Pacific Theater of operations. Even as child he was well aware of the work being done by the Flying Tigers in China and their background in the AVG. He was invited to be one of the two generals to accompany the veterans on the trip to China in 2015. He got a real appreciation for the heroism of the Chinese people and their gratitude for the contribution of the Flying Tigers during the war.James E. Bryant, son of 14th Air Force Flying Tiger fighter pilot James E. Bryant, said that his family was deeply honored by the speech Ambassador Qin delivered at the Opening Ceremony of The Sino-American Aviation Heritage Foundation’s photo exhibition at the Smithsonian. Seeing Ambassador Qin in his father’s jacket still brings tears of appreciation to his eyes. After the death of his father several years ago, he received a recognition poster signed by dozens of surviving Chinese veterans and their family members. The poster and the story behind its creation continue to provide great comfort to his mother and family. Great friendships are never accidental. They are the consequence of shared dreams and common experiences. Eighty years ago, Americans and Chinese dreamed and fought together. The words of Ambassador Qin reinforce that inseparable bond.Jane, Daughter of Flying Tiger “Fighter Ace” Major Stephen said that her dad spoke highly of the wonderful people that he met and how nice and polite the Chinese people were.Georgeann, daughter of Air Transport Command “Hump Airlift” Radio Operator Dr. George T. Venis, said that her father was a young boy when he went to China, barely 18, and like many he remembered the horrors of war, but also the kindness of the Chinese people. She was truly touched by Ambassador Qin's letter of condolences, listing the names of the Flying Tigers, many of whom she has known over the years. Although she was unable to attend the Smithsonian event, she understood the comments of Ambassador Qin were very well received by the guests. Her father passed away in 2007, but she will continue the mission of the Sino-American Aviation Heritage Foundation and the Honoring Our Father’s Flags Program in his name and for the sacrifices both counties have made for independence.Cliff Long Jr., son of 14th Air Force Flying Tiger fighter pilot Cliff Long Sr., said that at the age of 19, having never been out of Pennsylvania, his father was deployed half way around the world to China. After one year, 104 missions, he came home with a love for the Chinese people that impacted the rest of his life. He would have been so honored to meet the Ambassador and the rest of the Chinese people keeping his time in history alive. He really liked the jacket Ambassador Qin was wearing, which his father had on too in the picture. Ambassador Qin was in a special group to have one.Margaret, daughter of 14th Air Force “Flying Tiger” Aerial Gunner Sergeant James H., said that the heartfelt remarks by Ambassador Qin on the contributions made by American airmen to drive out foreign invaders touched her heart. In spite of great hardships, her father had fond memories of his time spent in China and of the Chinese people. The dedication of Ambassador Qin towards maintaining the spirit of cooperation that prevailed between the Americans and the Chinese during World War II reflects her own. The world is about far more than politics. People must rise above our differences to focus on maintaining respect and tolerance for one another, and she had deep appreciation for Ambassador Qin's efforts in this respect.Paul Friday, son of Air Transport Command “Hump Pilot” Captain Joe Friday, said that the most common sentiment he heard from the veterans, from both of our countries, is the closeness they felt for one another as they struggled together against a mighty foe. The Chinese he met were enthusiastic in their memory of the Americans and the sacrifices they made so far from home - and the Americans told him time and again of their fondness and respect for the Chinese. It seems our people have an affinity for one another. In the times of geopolitical struggle now, his hope is that we might mitigate the situation when we remember our fathers and grandfathers so closely supporting each other and fighting side-by-side in the greatest of all struggles of the 20th century.Former U.S. Air Force Chief of Staff General Ronald Fogleman expressed thanks to Ambassador Qin for his very sincere and thoughtful letter.Former Commander of U.S. Pacific Command Admiral Richard Macke said that he made several visits to China and met with some Flying Tigers and Madame Chennault. Those were all memorable visits and proved that China and America can be friends.Former NASA Administrator Charles F. Bolden said that the “Remembering heroes — 80th Anniversary of the Flying Tigers” photo expo carried forward the spirit of collaboration and cooperation once enjoyed between our two nations and gave him hope that we will one day find the will to bring our nations together for the benefit of humankind.Former U.S. Air Force Major General William A. Cohen expressed gratitude to Ambassador Qin for the letter. His father Lt. Col. Sidnry Cohen (then a captain) was a member of the 7th Air Force in the Pacific Theater of operations. Even as child he was well aware of the work being done by the Flying Tigers in China and their background in the AVG. He was invited to be one of the two generals to accompany the veterans on the trip to China in 2015. He got a real appreciation for the heroism of the Chinese people and their gratitude for the contribution of the Flying Tigers during the war.James E. Bryant, son of 14th Air Force Flying Tiger fighter pilot James E. Bryant, said that his family was deeply honored by the speech Ambassador Qin delivered at the Opening Ceremony of The Sino-American Aviation Heritage Foundation’s photo exhibition at the Smithsonian. Seeing Ambassador Qin in his father’s jacket still brings tears of appreciation to his eyes. After the death of his father several years ago, he received a recognition poster signed by dozens of surviving Chinese veterans and their family members. The poster and the story behind its creation continue to provide great comfort to his mother and family. Great friendships are never accidental. They are the consequence of shared dreams and common experiences. Eighty years ago, Americans and Chinese dreamed and fought together. The words of Ambassador Qin reinforce that inseparable bond.Jane, Daughter of Flying Tiger “Fighter Ace” Major Stephen said that her dad spoke highly of the wonderful people that he met and how nice and polite the Chinese people were.Georgeann, daughter of Air Transport Command “Hump Airlift” Radio Operator Dr. George T. Venis, said that her father was a young boy when he went to China, barely 18, and like many he remembered the horrors of war, but also the kindness of the Chinese people. She was truly touched by Ambassador Qin's letter of condolences, listing the names of the Flying Tigers, many of whom she has known over the years. Although she was unable to attend the Smithsonian event, she understood the comments of Ambassador Qin were very well received by the guests. Her father passed away in 2007, but she will continue the mission of the Sino-American Aviation Heritage Foundation and the Honoring Our Father’s Flags Program in his name and for the sacrifices both counties have made for independence.Cliff Long Jr., son of 14th Air Force Flying Tiger fighter pilot Cliff Long Sr., said that at the age of 19, having never been out of Pennsylvania, his father was deployed half way around the world to China. After one year, 104 missions, he came home with a love for the Chinese people that impacted the rest of his life. He would have been so honored to meet the Ambassador and the rest of the Chinese people keeping his time in history alive. He really liked the jacket Ambassador Qin was wearing, which his father had on too in the picture. Ambassador Qin was in a special group to have one.Margaret, daughter of 14th Air Force “Flying Tiger” Aerial Gunner Sergeant James H., said that the heartfelt remarks by Ambassador Qin on the contributions made by American airmen to drive out foreign invaders touched her heart. In spite of great hardships, her father had fond memories of his time spent in China and of the Chinese people. The dedication of Ambassador Qin towards maintaining the spirit of cooperation that prevailed between the Americans and the Chinese during World War II reflects her own. The world is about far more than politics. People must rise above our differences to focus on maintaining respect and tolerance for one another, and she had deep appreciation for Ambassador Qin's efforts in this respect.Paul Friday, son of Air Transport Command “Hump Pilot” Captain Joe Friday, said that the most common sentiment he heard from the veterans, from both of our countries, is the closeness they felt for one another as they struggled together against a mighty foe. The Chinese he met were enthusiastic in their memory of the Americans and the sacrifices they made so far from home - and the Americans told him time and again of their fondness and respect for the Chinese. It seems our people have an affinity for one another. In the times of geopolitical struggle now, his hope is that we might mitigate the situation when we remember our fathers and grandfathers so closely supporting each other and fighting side-by-side in the greatest of all struggles of the 20th century.Chinese Ambassador to the U.S. Qin Gang takes an exclusive interview with Al-Jazeera English ChannelTranscript of Ambassador Qin Gang's interview with the U.S. mainstream mediaOn June 8, Ambassador Qin Gang sent a letter of condolences to the families of Flying Tigers veterans who passed away in the past two years via the Sino-American Aviation Heritage Foundation, in remembrance of the veterans' contributions to Chinese People’s War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and in honor of the spirit of the Flying Tigers and China-U.S. cooperation. Lately, the Foundation forwarded to the Embassy the letters from former U.S. Air Force Chief of Staff General Ronald Fogleman, former Commander of U.S. Pacific Command Admiral Richard Macke, former NASA Administrator Charles F. Bolden, former U.S. Air Force Major General William A. Cohen, and six descendants of Flying Tigers veterans. In the letters, they expressed gratitude to Ambassador Qin for the letter, recalled the touching history of U.S.-China cooperation in World War II and the precious friendship between the two peoples, and called on China and the United States to transcend their differences and work together for the wellbeing of our two peoples and humanity as a whole.Former U.S. Air Force Chief of Staff General Ronald Fogleman expressed thanks to Ambassador Qin for his very sincere and thoughtful letter.Former Commander of U.S. Pacific Command Admiral Richard Macke said that he made several visits to China and met with some Flying Tigers and Madame Chennault. Those were all memorable visits and proved that China and America can be friends.Former NASA Administrator Charles F. Bolden said that the “Remembering heroes — 80th Anniversary of the Flying Tigers” photo expo carried forward the spirit of collaboration and cooperation once enjoyed between our two nations and gave him hope that we will one day find the will to bring our nations together for the benefit of humankind.Former U.S. Air Force Major General William A. Cohen expressed gratitude to Ambassador Qin for the letter. His father Lt. Col. Sidnry Cohen (then a captain) was a member of the 7th Air Force in the Pacific Theater of operations. Even as child he was well aware of the work being done by the Flying Tigers in China and their background in the AVG. He was invited to be one of the two generals to accompany the veterans on the trip to China in 2015. He got a real appreciation for the heroism of the Chinese people and their gratitude for the contribution of the Flying Tigers during the war.James E. Bryant, son of 14th Air Force Flying Tiger fighter pilot James E. Bryant, said that his family was deeply honored by the speech Ambassador Qin delivered at the Opening Ceremony of The Sino-American Aviation Heritage Foundation’s photo exhibition at the Smithsonian. Seeing Ambassador Qin in his father’s jacket still brings tears of appreciation to his eyes. After the death of his father several years ago, he received a recognition poster signed by dozens of surviving Chinese veterans and their family members. The poster and the story behind its creation continue to provide great comfort to his mother and family. Great friendships are never accidental. They are the consequence of shared dreams and common experiences. Eighty years ago, Americans and Chinese dreamed and fought together. The words of Ambassador Qin reinforce that inseparable bond.Jane, Daughter of Flying Tiger “Fighter Ace” Major Stephen said that her dad spoke highly of the wonderful people that he met and how nice and polite the Chinese people were.Georgeann, daughter of Air Transport Command “Hump Airlift” Radio Operator Dr. George T. Venis, said that her father was a young boy when he went to China, barely 18, and like many he remembered the horrors of war, but also the kindness of the Chinese people. She was truly touched by Ambassador Qin's letter of condolences, listing the names of the Flying Tigers, many of whom she has known over the years. Although she was unable to attend the Smithsonian event, she understood the comments of Ambassador Qin were very well received by the guests. Her father passed away in 2007, but she will continue the mission of the Sino-American Aviation Heritage Foundation and the Honoring Our Father’s Flags Program in his name and for the sacrifices both counties have made for independence.Cliff Long Jr., son of 14th Air Force Flying Tiger fighter pilot Cliff Long Sr., said that at the age of 19, having never been out of Pennsylvania, his father was deployed half way around the world to China. After one year, 104 missions, he came home with a love for the Chinese people that impacted the rest of his life. He would have been so honored to meet the Ambassador and the rest of the Chinese people keeping his time in history alive. He really liked the jacket Ambassador Qin was wearing, which his father had on too in the picture. Ambassador Qin was in a special group to have one.Margaret, daughter of 14th Air Force “Flying Tiger” Aerial Gunner Sergeant James H., said that the heartfelt remarks by Ambassador Qin on the contributions made by American airmen to drive out foreign invaders touched her heart. In spite of great hardships, her father had fond memories of his time spent in China and of the Chinese people. The dedication of Ambassador Qin towards maintaining the spirit of cooperation that prevailed between the Americans and the Chinese during World War II reflects her own. The world is about far more than politics. People must rise above our differences to focus on maintaining respect and tolerance for one another, and she had deep appreciation for Ambassador Qin's efforts in this respect.Paul Friday, son of Air Transport Command “Hump Pilot” Captain Joe Friday, said that the most common sentiment he heard from the veterans, from both of our countries, is the closeness they felt for one another as they struggled together against a mighty foe. The Chinese he met were enthusiastic in their memory of the Americans and the sacrifices they made so far from home - and the Americans told him time and again of their fondness and respect for the Chinese. It seems our people have an affinity for one another. In the times of geopolitical struggle now, his hope is that we might mitigate the situation when we remember our fathers and grandfathers so closely supporting each other and fighting side-by-side in the greatest of all struggles of the 20th century.Former U.S. Air Force Chief of Staff General Ronald Fogleman expressed thanks to Ambassador Qin for his very sincere and thoughtful letter.Former Commander of U.S. Pacific Command Admiral Richard Macke said that he made several visits to China and met with some Flying Tigers and Madame Chennault. Those were all memorable visits and proved that China and America can be friends.Former NASA Administrator Charles F. Bolden said that the “Remembering heroes — 80th Anniversary of the Flying Tigers” photo expo carried forward the spirit of collaboration and cooperation once enjoyed between our two nations and gave him hope that we will one day find the will to bring our nations together for the benefit of humankind.Former U.S. Air Force Major General William A. Cohen expressed gratitude to Ambassador Qin for the letter. His father Lt. Col. Sidnry Cohen (then a captain) was a member of the 7th Air Force in the Pacific Theater of operations. Even as child he was well aware of the work being done by the Flying Tigers in China and their background in the AVG. He was invited to be one of the two generals to accompany the veterans on the trip to China in 2015. He got a real appreciation for the heroism of the Chinese people and their gratitude for the contribution of the Flying Tigers during the war.James E. Bryant, son of 14th Air Force Flying Tiger fighter pilot James E. Bryant, said that his family was deeply honored by the speech Ambassador Qin delivered at the Opening Ceremony of The Sino-American Aviation Heritage Foundation’s photo exhibition at the Smithsonian. Seeing Ambassador Qin in his father’s jacket still brings tears of appreciation to his eyes. After the death of his father several years ago, he received a recognition poster signed by dozens of surviving Chinese veterans and their family members. The poster and the story behind its creation continue to provide great comfort to his mother and family. Great friendships are never accidental. They are the consequence of shared dreams and common experiences. Eighty years ago, Americans and Chinese dreamed and fought together. The words of Ambassador Qin reinforce that inseparable bond.Jane, Daughter of Flying Tiger “Fighter Ace” Major Stephen said that her dad spoke highly of the wonderful people that he met and how nice and polite the Chinese people were.Georgeann, daughter of Air Transport Command “Hump Airlift” Radio Operator Dr. George T. Venis, said that her father was a young boy when he went to China, barely 18, and like many he remembered the horrors of war, but also the kindness of the Chinese people. She was truly touched by Ambassador Qin's letter of condolences, listing the names of the Flying Tigers, many of whom she has known over the years. Although she was unable to attend the Smithsonian event, she understood the comments of Ambassador Qin were very well received by the guests. Her father passed away in 2007, but she will continue the mission of the Sino-American Aviation Heritage Foundation and the Honoring Our Father’s Flags Program in his name and for the sacrifices both counties have made for independence.Cliff Long Jr., son of 14th Air Force Flying Tiger fighter pilot Cliff Long Sr., said that at the age of 19, having never been out of Pennsylvania, his father was deployed half way around the world to China. After one year, 104 missions, he came home with a love for the Chinese people that impacted the rest of his life. He would have been so honored to meet the Ambassador and the rest of the Chinese people keeping his time in history alive. He really liked the jacket Ambassador Qin was wearing, which his father had on too in the picture. Ambassador Qin was in a special group to have one.Margaret, daughter of 14th Air Force “Flying Tiger” Aerial Gunner Sergeant James H., said that the heartfelt remarks by Ambassador Qin on the contributions made by American airmen to drive out foreign invaders touched her heart. In spite of great hardships, her father had fond memories of his time spent in China and of the Chinese people. The dedication of Ambassador Qin towards maintaining the spirit of cooperation that prevailed between the Americans and the Chinese during World War II reflects her own. The world is about far more than politics. People must rise above our differences to focus on maintaining respect and tolerance for one another, and she had deep appreciation for Ambassador Qin's efforts in this respect.Paul Friday, son of Air Transport Command “Hump Pilot” Captain Joe Friday, said that the most common sentiment he heard from the veterans, from both of our countries, is the closeness they felt for one another as they struggled together against a mighty foe. The Chinese he met were enthusiastic in their memory of the Americans and the sacrifices they made so far from home - and the Americans told him time and again of their fondness and respect for the Chinese. It seems our people have an affinity for one another. In the times of geopolitical struggle now, his hope is that we might mitigate the situation when we remember our fathers and grandfathers so closely supporting each other and fighting side-by-side in the greatest of all struggles of the 20th century.Chinese Ambassador to the U.S. Qin Gang takes an exclusive interview with Al-Jazeera English ChannelTranscript of Ambassador Qin Gang's interview with the U.S. mainstream media
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