China, S.Korea vow to expand cooperation, strengthen exchanges

   2022-07-08 ecns0
核心提示:Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi and South Korean Foreign Minister Park Jin agreed here on Thursday to expand bilateral
Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi and South Korean Foreign Minister Park Jin agreed here on Thursday to expand bilateral cooperation and strengthen exchanges between their two countries.When meeting with Park on the sidelines of the Group of 20 (G20) foreign ministers' meeting in Bali, Indonesia, Wang said the successful phone conversation between the two heads of state ushered in a smooth transition and a good start in bilateral relations.Noting that this year marks the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and South Korea, Wang said bilateral relations are facing important opportunities for development as well as some practical challenges.It is in the common interests of both sides to see their relations well maintained and developed, otherwise they will both suffer, Wang said, adding that this is something revealed by the success experience of the development of bilateral relations over the past 30 years.As close neighbors and inseparable partners with closely-related security environment and an industrial cycle of converging interests, China and South Korea should uphold the already reached consensus and understanding, and maintain the stability and continuity of their policies towards each other, Wang noted.China is willing to work with South Korea to reaffirm the original aspiration of their establishing diplomatic ties, focus on mutually beneficial cooperation and remove internal and external interferences, so as to maintain the momentum for sound and steady development of bilateral relations, Wang said.For his part, Park called the 30th anniversary of bilateral diplomatic ties a milestone.The South Korean side believes that mutual respect and trust are crucial to the development of bilateral relations, and will become a partner of equal cooperation and mutual benefit with China, and push for more visible results in bilateral cooperation in various fields, he said.During the meeting, the two sides agreed that it is important to strengthen exchanges and in-depth communication. They agreed in principle to realize exchange of visits between the two foreign ministers within this year.Both sides spoke highly of the steady growth of bilateral trade, which is expected to hit a new high. They agreed to speed up the second phase of the free trade agreement negotiations, further open up to each other, expand cooperation in the fields including high-tech, climate change, environmental protection and clean energy, and ensure a stable and smooth supply chain and industrial chain.Both sides agreed to strengthen people-to-people and cultural exchanges, especially among youths, and resume and increase flights in an orderly manner to facilitate the movement of personnel.The two sides also exchanged views on regional security and other issues of common concern.Wang stressed that in the face of rampant unilateral acts and bullying, the international community should uphold the universal values of peace, development, fairness, justice, democracy and freedom, advocate and practice true multilateralism, and safeguard the international system with the United Nations at its core and the international order based on the international law.At present, it is particularly important to prevent return of the Cold War mentality in the region and avoid major power confrontation and bloc politics, he added.Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi and South Korean Foreign Minister Park Jin agreed here on Thursday to expand bilateral cooperation and strengthen exchanges between their two countries.When meeting with Park on the sidelines of the Group of 20 (G20) foreign ministers' meeting in Bali, Indonesia, Wang said the successful phone conversation between the two heads of state ushered in a smooth transition and a good start in bilateral relations.Noting that this year marks the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and South Korea, Wang said bilateral relations are facing important opportunities for development as well as some practical challenges.It is in the common interests of both sides to see their relations well maintained and developed, otherwise they will both suffer, Wang said, adding that this is something revealed by the success experience of the development of bilateral relations over the past 30 years.As close neighbors and inseparable partners with closely-related security environment and an industrial cycle of converging interests, China and South Korea should uphold the already reached consensus and understanding, and maintain the stability and continuity of their policies towards each other, Wang noted.China is willing to work with South Korea to reaffirm the original aspiration of their establishing diplomatic ties, focus on mutually beneficial cooperation and remove internal and external interferences, so as to maintain the momentum for sound and steady development of bilateral relations, Wang said.For his part, Park called the 30th anniversary of bilateral diplomatic ties a milestone.The South Korean side believes that mutual respect and trust are crucial to the development of bilateral relations, and will become a partner of equal cooperation and mutual benefit with China, and push for more visible results in bilateral cooperation in various fields, he said.During the meeting, the two sides agreed that it is important to strengthen exchanges and in-depth communication. They agreed in principle to realize exchange of visits between the two foreign ministers within this year.Both sides spoke highly of the steady growth of bilateral trade, which is expected to hit a new high. They agreed to speed up the second phase of the free trade agreement negotiations, further open up to each other, expand cooperation in the fields including high-tech, climate change, environmental protection and clean energy, and ensure a stable and smooth supply chain and industrial chain.Both sides agreed to strengthen people-to-people and cultural exchanges, especially among youths, and resume and increase flights in an orderly manner to facilitate the movement of personnel.The two sides also exchanged views on regional security and other issues of common concern.Wang stressed that in the face of rampant unilateral acts and bullying, the international community should uphold the universal values of peace, development, fairness, justice, democracy and freedom, advocate and practice true multilateralism, and safeguard the international system with the United Nations at its core and the international order based on the international law.At present, it is particularly important to prevent return of the Cold War mentality in the region and avoid major power confrontation and bloc politics, he added.
标签: Politics
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