
   2015-02-27 0
核心提示:1.Perform a high number of repetitions daily. Getting a six pack is not going to be easy, but the sit-up works both your

1.Perform a high number of repetitions daily. Getting a six pack is not going to be easy, but the sit-up works both your lower and upper abs. Keep your abdominal muscles contracted throughout the exercise movement and plan on doing at least 500 or more sit-ups a day.

2.Add some weight and resistance. Clasping a weight plate to your chest when performing regular sit-ups will add much-needed resistance to the exercise movement. You can also use resistance bands or pulley systems at the gym while performing the sit-up motion to add extra weight. This will stimulate muscle growth in your abdominal muscles and constantly keep them challenged.

3.Avoid the plateau effect by switching the emphasis in the exercise. Although you will essentially be performing the same motion during exercise, you will want to lower yourself to the ground very slowly. This will help you switch the focus of your sit-up to the lowering motion, which will train your muscles in a different fashion. When you perform an exercise this way it is known as a negative repetition and it keeps your muscles from getting used to an exercise.

4.Mix in some aerobic exercise. While performing your daily regimen of sit-ups you will also need to realize that a moderate to high amount of aerobic or cardio exercise will need to be performed. Aerobic exercise that helps you shed weight will bring out the definition and "cuts" in your abs. Sprinting, jogging, jumping rope, swimming laps, and even walking briskly are all good aerobic exercises for you to perform.

5.Eat a low fat diet. Cutting sugars and bloating salts from your diet is essential if you ever want to see your six-pack. Omitting high-fat items from your diet is also a must in order to bring out the definition you desire. Eating high fiber foods, slow burning carbohydrates like rolled oats, wheat and bran is best. You should also consume lean sources of protein like fish, skinless chicken, peanuts and legumes.

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