Photovoltaic power station panoramic monitoring system put into operation in NW China

   2022-06-16 ecns0
核心提示:(ECNS) -- A panoramic monitoring system for photovoltaic power station was put into operation on Wednesday in northwest China's Gansu Provin
(ECNS) -- A panoramic monitoring system for photovoltaic power station was put into operation on Wednesday in northwest China's Gansu Province, which can respond in a millisecond in case of sudden failure of the power station.The panoramic monitoring system was installed at the Xipo Photovoltaic Power Station built by China Huaneng Group in Jinchang City.Relying on the intelligent diagnosis and digital platform, the system can continuously monitor the operation of wind and photovoltaic power units 24 hours a day to ensure the safe and stable operation of the power grid.The panoramic monitoring system will achieve precise and flexible control of the power station in an emergency based on a rapid assessment of its status, said Li Haibo, general manager of Huaneng Jinchang Photovoltaic Power Generation Group.At present, the new energy installed capacity in Gansu Province reaches 31.55 million kilowatts, accounting for nearly half of the province's total installed capacity.The cumulative consumption of new energy power in Gansu Province is 197.8 billion kilowatt hours, and the growth rate of new energy utilization ranks first in China.(ECNS) -- A panoramic monitoring system for photovoltaic power station was put into operation on Wednesday in northwest China's Gansu Province, which can respond in a millisecond in case of sudden failure of the power station.The panoramic monitoring system was installed at the Xipo Photovoltaic Power Station built by China Huaneng Group in Jinchang City.Relying on the intelligent diagnosis and digital platform, the system can continuously monitor the operation of wind and photovoltaic power units 24 hours a day to ensure the safe and stable operation of the power grid.The panoramic monitoring system will achieve precise and flexible control of the power station in an emergency based on a rapid assessment of its status, said Li Haibo, general manager of Huaneng Jinchang Photovoltaic Power Generation Group.At present, the new energy installed capacity in Gansu Province reaches 31.55 million kilowatts, accounting for nearly half of the province's total installed capacity.The cumulative consumption of new energy power in Gansu Province is 197.8 billion kilowatt hours, and the growth rate of new energy utilization ranks first in China.
标签: ECNS Wire
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