
   2022-06-08 21英语网0









The three Chinese astronauts onboard the Shenzhou-14 spaceship entered the country's space station core module Tianhe on Sunday, according to the China Manned Space Agency (CMSA).

After Shenzhou-14 successfully completed a fast automated rendezvous and docking with the combination of the Tianhe module, the Tianzhou-3 cargo craft and the Tianzhou-4 cargo craft, the Shenzhou-14 crew entered the orbital capsule from the return capsule of the spaceship.




The three crew members are Chen Dong, Liu Yang and Cai Xuzhe, with Chen as the mission commander. 

During the crew’s 6-month stay at China’s Tiangong space station, they will receive a number of “visitors” – the two lab modules, the Tianzhou-5 cargo spacecraft and the Shenzhou-15 manned mission. They are scheduled to return to Earth in December, China Manned Space Agency said at Saturday’s pre-launch press conference.

The mission would mark the first crewed spaceflight to Tianhe at the in-orbit assembly stage. They are tasked with completing the construction of the space station by assisting the docking of Wentian and Mengtian lab modules, equipment assembly and testing in and outside the cabins, and carrying out space science experiments. 


中国载人航天工程航天员系统总设计师、中国航天员科研训练中心研究员黄伟芬接受新华社记者采访。新华社记者梅元龙 摄




6月5日,神舟十四号载人飞行任务航天员乘组出征仪式在酒泉卫星发射中心问天阁广场举行。陈冬(右)、刘洋(中)、蔡旭哲即将开启为期6个月的飞行任务。新华社记者 才扬 摄



The Shenzhou-14 is the first and will be the toughest manned mission during the construction of China's space station and has great significance, according to Huang Weifen, chief astronaut system designer of the China Manned Space Program.

Huang said that the crew – Chen Dong, Liu Yang and Cai Xuzhe – all selected from the second cohort of Chinese astronauts, are the most suitable.

"The three are all very diligent and careful and they have great team spirit and friendship among them," she said.






The Shenzhou-14 crew will rotate with the Shenzhou-15 trio in orbit, which poses a challenge to the space station's recycling and life support system.

Since the two crews, totaling six astronauts, will live together in orbit for five to 10 days, their basic life necessities must be secured. 

The Chinese astronauts are expected to taste a kind of fruit their predecessors never had the chance to eat in space — grape.



Huang unveiled the details of the Shenzhou-14 mission, saying that the three astronauts will test nine different formations for the assembly of the space station, will change the capsule position twice, and conduct five dockings and three separations and evacuations.





One of the noteworthy tasks for the Shenzhou-14 crew is to test and operate the large and small mechanical arms. The core module is mounted with a 10-meter-long big mechanical arm, and the Wentian lab module with a small one.

The weight and length of the small mechanical arm are about half of that of the large one, but it is quite flexible and can perform operations with greater precision.

During the Shenzhou-14 mission, the crew will, for the first time, be aided by the small mechanical arm to get out of the space station, Huang Weifen told Xinhua in an exclusive interview.

The small arm can also be captured by the large one to form a combined arm that is capable of performing extravehicular operations with better accuracy at a larger range.





China's Tiangong space station is designed to be a versatile space lab, capable of accommodating 25 experiment cabinets for scientific exploration.


The experiment cabinets installed on Wentian can support experiments on life and ecology and biotechnology. Astronauts can conduct experiments on molecules, cells, tissues and organs in Wentian by using diverse online detection methods, such as visible light, fluorescence, or microscopic imaging.

Wentian can also simulate variable gravity environments to support the comparative study on the biological growth mechanism in different gravity conditions.



The latecomer Mengtian lab module is equipped with experiment cabinets to study the effects of microgravity, covering the physics of fluids, material science, combustion science and basic physics.

Mengtian will have a space-based cold atomic clock system consisting of a hydrogen clock, a rubidium clock and an optical clock, building a precise time and frequency system in space that can serve the gravitational redshift research, the measurement of fine structure constants, and other applications.

综合来源:新华网 人民日报 CGTN


标签: 中国 太空
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