Chinese envoy puts forward four-point proposal for promotion of int’l non-proliferation process

   2022-06-01 ecns0
核心提示:(ECNS) -- China's permanent representative to the United Nations (UN) Zhang Jun on Tuesday put forward a four-point proposal for the promoti
(ECNS) -- China's permanent representative to the United Nations (UN) Zhang Jun on Tuesday put forward a four-point proposal for the promotion of the international non-proliferation process."The proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery bears on international peace, security, and stability," Zhang said at the Open Consultations on the Comprehensive Review of the Status of the Implementation of Resolution 1540."Resolution 1540 adopted in 2004 is the first Security Council resolution on non-proliferation and a major pillar of the international nonproliferation efforts," Zhang continued."Thanks to the tireless efforts of the international community, the international non-proliferation consensus continues to deepen, the non-proliferation regime keeps improving, and the international cooperation in this respect is seeing steady progress. International efforts to address the proliferation activities of non-state actors are also effectively enhanced," said the envoy."At the same time, we need to realize that the international security situation is undergoing complex and profound changes, and proliferation risks and challenges still exist," he added."The Korean and Iranian nuclear issues and other proliferation hotspot issues or long-standing problems remain difficult to solve. The tensions in the Korean peninsula and the Middle East are rising, leading to higher proliferation risks," Zhang said."Advances in science and technology mean that the risk of access by non-state actors, terrorists in particular, to WMDs has become more diverse," he continued. "Unilateralism and double standards in non-proliferation are further on the rise. The unequal and unreasonable dimensions of the international non-proliferation regime have become even more prominent. The peaceful uses of technology by developing countries are still faced with many constraints.""In this new context, with the focus on the comprehensive review of Resolution 1540 and the promotion of the international non-proliferation process, China would like to propose the following points," Zhang said.The first proposal he made is to uphold true multilateralism. Zhang said that non-proliferation is a global challenge, and to address the issue, multilateral cooperation and the leadership of the UN are essential. "It is important to uphold the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, strengthen the collective security mechanism with the UN at the center, defend the authority of the Security Council, and remain committed to solving non-proliferation hotspot issues through peaceful means including dialogue and consultation," he said.The second is to consolidate the international non-proliferation system. The NPT is the cornerstone of the international disarmament and non-proliferation system, and a major component of the post-war international security system. Countries should further enhance the universality of the NPT, BWC, and CWC, and use the opportunity of the review conferences of these treaties to make sure that these treaties are implemented in a comprehensive, effective, and balanced manner.The third is to safeguard countries' right to peaceful uses. Zhang said that using science and technology for peaceful purposes and conducting international cooperation in this regard is an inalienable right of all states by international law. The 76th session of UNGA adopted the resolution on promoting international cooperation on peaceful uses, co-sponsored by China and 26 other countries, calling on the removal of restrictions on the right of developing countries to peaceful uses. China welcomes the continued, inclusive dialogue under the UNGA framework, with a view to ensuring that the right to peaceful uses is respected and protected, unreasonable restrictions are removed, and universal security and development of all countries are better realized.The fourth is to fully promote the comprehensive review process. Zhang said that China supports the 1540 Committee in creating a reasonable program of work. The community should continue to promote substantially the comprehensive review of the Resolution, and conduct objective evaluations of all countries’ implementation of the Resolution. It should attach importance to the proliferation risks caused by emerging technologies, and provide effective and actionable recommendations on addressing the relevant non-proliferation risks and challenges. It should also further promote international cooperation in this area, improve the effectiveness of its assistance programs, and facilitate the full and effective implementation of the Resolution."China is firmly opposed to the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery," the envoy added. "We have always strictly honored our non-proliferation international obligations, continued to improve our export control mechanisms and capacity building, and contributed to enhancing non-proliferation efforts at the national, regional, and international levels with concrete actions."Zhang said that China will continue to work with Committee members and other parties to promote the effective implementation of Resolution 1540 and the comprehensive review of the resolution, and make positive contributions to enhancing global non-proliferation governance.(ECNS) -- China's permanent representative to the United Nations (UN) Zhang Jun on Tuesday put forward a four-point proposal for the promotion of the international non-proliferation process."The proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery bears on international peace, security, and stability," Zhang said at the Open Consultations on the Comprehensive Review of the Status of the Implementation of Resolution 1540."Resolution 1540 adopted in 2004 is the first Security Council resolution on non-proliferation and a major pillar of the international nonproliferation efforts," Zhang continued."Thanks to the tireless efforts of the international community, the international non-proliferation consensus continues to deepen, the non-proliferation regime keeps improving, and the international cooperation in this respect is seeing steady progress. International efforts to address the proliferation activities of non-state actors are also effectively enhanced," said the envoy."At the same time, we need to realize that the international security situation is undergoing complex and profound changes, and proliferation risks and challenges still exist," he added."The Korean and Iranian nuclear issues and other proliferation hotspot issues or long-standing problems remain difficult to solve. The tensions in the Korean peninsula and the Middle East are rising, leading to higher proliferation risks," Zhang said."Advances in science and technology mean that the risk of access by non-state actors, terrorists in particular, to WMDs has become more diverse," he continued. "Unilateralism and double standards in non-proliferation are further on the rise. The unequal and unreasonable dimensions of the international non-proliferation regime have become even more prominent. The peaceful uses of technology by developing countries are still faced with many constraints.""In this new context, with the focus on the comprehensive review of Resolution 1540 and the promotion of the international non-proliferation process, China would like to propose the following points," Zhang said.The first proposal he made is to uphold true multilateralism. Zhang said that non-proliferation is a global challenge, and to address the issue, multilateral cooperation and the leadership of the UN are essential. "It is important to uphold the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, strengthen the collective security mechanism with the UN at the center, defend the authority of the Security Council, and remain committed to solving non-proliferation hotspot issues through peaceful means including dialogue and consultation," he said.The second is to consolidate the international non-proliferation system. The NPT is the cornerstone of the international disarmament and non-proliferation system, and a major component of the post-war international security system. Countries should further enhance the universality of the NPT, BWC, and CWC, and use the opportunity of the review conferences of these treaties to make sure that these treaties are implemented in a comprehensive, effective, and balanced manner.The third is to safeguard countries' right to peaceful uses. Zhang said that using science and technology for peaceful purposes and conducting international cooperation in this regard is an inalienable right of all states by international law. The 76th session of UNGA adopted the resolution on promoting international cooperation on peaceful uses, co-sponsored by China and 26 other countries, calling on the removal of restrictions on the right of developing countries to peaceful uses. China welcomes the continued, inclusive dialogue under the UNGA framework, with a view to ensuring that the right to peaceful uses is respected and protected, unreasonable restrictions are removed, and universal security and development of all countries are better realized.The fourth is to fully promote the comprehensive review process. Zhang said that China supports the 1540 Committee in creating a reasonable program of work. The community should continue to promote substantially the comprehensive review of the Resolution, and conduct objective evaluations of all countries’ implementation of the Resolution. It should attach importance to the proliferation risks caused by emerging technologies, and provide effective and actionable recommendations on addressing the relevant non-proliferation risks and challenges. It should also further promote international cooperation in this area, improve the effectiveness of its assistance programs, and facilitate the full and effective implementation of the Resolution."China is firmly opposed to the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery," the envoy added. "We have always strictly honored our non-proliferation international obligations, continued to improve our export control mechanisms and capacity building, and contributed to enhancing non-proliferation efforts at the national, regional, and international levels with concrete actions."Zhang said that China will continue to work with Committee members and other parties to promote the effective implementation of Resolution 1540 and the comprehensive review of the resolution, and make positive contributions to enhancing global non-proliferation governance.
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