
   2015-01-27 0
核心提示:Photos released by Chinese media show just how intense the black market trade for consumer electronics has become.中国媒

Photos released by Chinese media show just how intense the black market trade for consumer electronics has become.中国媒体发布的照片表明电子产品的黑市交易有多么火爆。

A Hong Kong man was caught smuggling 94 iPhones—5S, 6 and 6 Plus models—into the mainland by taping the Apple products all over his body, according to reports from Peoples Daily Online.据人民日报网站报道,一名将94部iPhone(包括5S,6和6Plus机型)绑在身上的香港男子在偷运前往大陆时被捕。

According to the report, the man was caught in part because of his "weird walking posture."据报道,该男子被发现部分因为他“奇怪的走路姿势”。

The latest iPhone models have been available in mainland China for some time now, but they retail for much more there than in Hong Kong.最新款iPhone已在中国大陆销售了一段时间,但价格比香港高得多。

The body armor approach may be a decidedly less smelly method than what was employed by another recently caught Chinese iPhone smuggler. That man was caught wearing the devices in his underwear.把iPhone当作盔甲无疑要比之前被捕的偷渡者的方法好闻多了——那个家伙把机器藏在了内裤里。

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