
   2014-07-16 0
核心提示:MOSCOW May 7, 2014 (Reuters) - Intelligent,competent, experienced, decisive and attractive - that is how Russians view V
 MOSCOW May 7, 2014 (Reuters) - Intelligent, competent, experienced, decisive and attractive - that is how Russians view Vladimir Putin, who celebrated a decade as president on Wednesday amid high tension with the West over Ukraine, and slowing economic growth.

路透社莫斯科5月7日 -聪敏、能干、老练、果断、魅力四射--这就是俄罗斯人眼中的普京。普京三次当选俄罗斯总统,周三是他就任总统满十周年的日子。而此时俄罗斯与乌克兰剑拔弩张,俄罗斯自身的经济也趋于放缓。

In spite of Western anger at what Washington and Brussels say is Moscow's active role in fomenting Ukraine's unrest, opinion polls show Putin has successfully used the crisis in the ex-Soviet state to rally support at home.

A late April survey by the independent Levada pollster put support for the former KGB spy at 82 percent, its highest since late 2010.

The state-funded VTsIOM last month found that 61-66 percent said they trusted Putin, the highest since at least January 2006. Just 3 percent mistrusted Putin, the lowest since November 2010.

VTsIOM said Russians appreciated Putin for his decisiveness, intelligence, competence and experience, among other factors.

It also said 8 percent were positively influenced by the physique of the 61-year-old Putin, shown on state television in recent years hunting, swimming and riding, sometimes bare-chested.

Putin returned to the Kremlin for a third term as president in 2012 following mass street protests against his rule in a country he has dominated as head of state or prime minister since the final day of 1999.

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