Chinese representative calls on Europe to properly handle sensitive issues

   2022-04-29 ecns0
核心提示:(ECNS) -- Liu Xiaoming, special representative of the Chinese Government on Korean Peninsula Affairs, has paid intensive visits to European
(ECNS) -- Liu Xiaoming, special representative of the Chinese Government on Korean Peninsula Affairs, has paid intensive visits to European countries and exchanged views with European representatives on the Korean Peninsula situation after his visits to the UN headquarters in New York in early April.During the visits, he reaffirmed China’s position on Korean Peninsula issues, called for European countries to uphold an objective and impartial position, properly handle sensitive issues and play a constructive role.Liu met Livia Leu, state secretary at the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs and Tobias Lindner, minister of state at the German Federal Foreign Office in Berlin, Deputy Secretary-General Enrique Mora and Managing Director for Asia and the Pacific Gunnar Wieg and of European External Action Service (EEAS) in Brussels, and Minister of State Amanda Milling and Second Permanent Under-Secretary Tim Barrow of the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office of the United Kingdom in London.Liu shared China's analysis of the current situation on the Peninsula.He pointed out that China holds an objective and impartial position on the Peninsula issue, supports all efforts that are conducive to de-escalation and dialogue, and does not want to see any side take actions that feed hostility or create tension. He called on relevant parties to stay cool-headed, exercise restraint and resume meaningful dialogue at an early date.Liu pointed out that China welcomes the constructive role played by France, Germany, the EU and UK for the political settlement of the Peninsula issue.He also commended the mediation efforts made by Switzerland for resolving the Peninsula issue and welcomed Switzerland to continue to play a constructive role.European countries responded positively to China's expectations.Philippe Errera, director general for Political and Security Affairs at the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, said France is willing to maintain communication with China on the issue to push forward the political settlement process.Leu, in turn, appreciated the important role played by China in promoting the political settlement of the Peninsula issue. She echoed the point that relevant parties should stay cool-headed, exercise restraint and resolve the issue through diplomacy. She said that Switzerland will continue to play a positive role for the political settlement of the Peninsula issue and maintain close communication with China in this regard.Mora and Wiegand expressed the EU’s support for resolving the Peninsula issue peacefully through diplomatic dialogue. They said that the EU values China’s important role in addressing the Peninsula issue and is ready to strengthen communication and cooperation with China to push forward the process of political settlement of the Peninsula issue.The British side affirmed its commitment to peace, stability and denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, agreed that the issue should be peacefully resolved through dialogue and consultation, said that it values the important role of China in addressing the Peninsula issue, and expressed readiness to enhance communication with China on this matter.Liu stressed dialogue and consultation at UN headquarter.From March 29 to April 2, 2022, Liu visited the UN Headquarters in New York and held meetings with Under-Secretary-General for Political and Peacebuilding Affairs Rosemary DiCarlo, Assistant Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs Joyce Msuya and permanent representatives of Security Council member states, including the U.S., Russia, the UK, France, the UAE, Albania, Brazil, Gabon, Ghana, India, Ireland, Kenya, Mexico and Norway, exchanging views on the situation on the Korean Peninsula.Member states of the Security Council affirmed that dialogue and consultation are effective means to address the Korean Peninsula issue, and that they will continue to make efforts in this regard.Liu Xiaoming starts role as special rep on Korean Peninsula affairsAmbassador Liu Xiaoming praises China-UK practical cooperation in farewell speech(ECNS) -- Liu Xiaoming, special representative of the Chinese Government on Korean Peninsula Affairs, has paid intensive visits to European countries and exchanged views with European representatives on the Korean Peninsula situation after his visits to the UN headquarters in New York in early April.During the visits, he reaffirmed China’s position on Korean Peninsula issues, called for European countries to uphold an objective and impartial position, properly handle sensitive issues and play a constructive role.Liu met Livia Leu, state secretary at the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs and Tobias Lindner, minister of state at the German Federal Foreign Office in Berlin, Deputy Secretary-General Enrique Mora and Managing Director for Asia and the Pacific Gunnar Wieg and of European External Action Service (EEAS) in Brussels, and Minister of State Amanda Milling and Second Permanent Under-Secretary Tim Barrow of the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office of the United Kingdom in London.Liu shared China's analysis of the current situation on the Peninsula.He pointed out that China holds an objective and impartial position on the Peninsula issue, supports all efforts that are conducive to de-escalation and dialogue, and does not want to see any side take actions that feed hostility or create tension. He called on relevant parties to stay cool-headed, exercise restraint and resume meaningful dialogue at an early date.Liu pointed out that China welcomes the constructive role played by France, Germany, the EU and UK for the political settlement of the Peninsula issue.He also commended the mediation efforts made by Switzerland for resolving the Peninsula issue and welcomed Switzerland to continue to play a constructive role.European countries responded positively to China's expectations.Philippe Errera, director general for Political and Security Affairs at the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, said France is willing to maintain communication with China on the issue to push forward the political settlement process.Leu, in turn, appreciated the important role played by China in promoting the political settlement of the Peninsula issue. She echoed the point that relevant parties should stay cool-headed, exercise restraint and resolve the issue through diplomacy. She said that Switzerland will continue to play a positive role for the political settlement of the Peninsula issue and maintain close communication with China in this regard.Mora and Wiegand expressed the EU’s support for resolving the Peninsula issue peacefully through diplomatic dialogue. They said that the EU values China’s important role in addressing the Peninsula issue and is ready to strengthen communication and cooperation with China to push forward the process of political settlement of the Peninsula issue.The British side affirmed its commitment to peace, stability and denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, agreed that the issue should be peacefully resolved through dialogue and consultation, said that it values the important role of China in addressing the Peninsula issue, and expressed readiness to enhance communication with China on this matter.Liu stressed dialogue and consultation at UN headquarter.From March 29 to April 2, 2022, Liu visited the UN Headquarters in New York and held meetings with Under-Secretary-General for Political and Peacebuilding Affairs Rosemary DiCarlo, Assistant Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs Joyce Msuya and permanent representatives of Security Council member states, including the U.S., Russia, the UK, France, the UAE, Albania, Brazil, Gabon, Ghana, India, Ireland, Kenya, Mexico and Norway, exchanging views on the situation on the Korean Peninsula.Member states of the Security Council affirmed that dialogue and consultation are effective means to address the Korean Peninsula issue, and that they will continue to make efforts in this regard.Liu Xiaoming starts role as special rep on Korean Peninsula affairsAmbassador Liu Xiaoming praises China-UK practical cooperation in farewell speech
标签: ECNS Wire
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