
   2014-06-23 0
核心提示:  The increasingly hot rumors about Wang Feng and Zhang Ziyi have certainly made for some interesting after-dinner discussions. The couple’s combination, a singer and an actor, only makes the news mor

  The increasingly hot rumors about Wang Feng and Zhang Ziyi have certainly made for some interesting after-dinner discussions. The couple’s combination, a singer and an actor, only makes the news more exciting.


  The singer-and-actor formula is quite common in showbiz today. Two people, each with their own expertise and both living in the media spotlight, get romantically involved. It sounds like the perfect match, but these relationships, like most others, also have their highs and lows, and may not have a happy end. Here are a few examples.


  Throwing the public off the scent


  Zhang Ziyi, 34 & Wang Feng, 42, China



  Ever since Wang’s divorce in mid-September, the tabloids have been reporting on the new romantic relationship between the rocker and the actress. They’ve been seen playing mahjong together, staying in a hotel room for hours, traveling to Los Angeles, and Wang sent a love message during a concert. The latest development is said to be that Zhang accompanied Wang to a family gathering late last month. Despite all the signals they are sending, neither of them have officially admitted to being in a relationship. How long will they keep putting the public off the scent? only time will tell.



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