后愚人节效应: 李开复愚人节玩笑引热议

   2014-06-23 0
核心提示:  One of the Chinese Internet's most popular microbloggers, former Google China chief Kai-fu Lee, became the perpetrator of one of the country's most pointed April Fool's jokes on Monday morning.  中

  One of the Chinese Internet's most popular microbloggers, former Google China chief Kai-fu Lee, became the perpetrator of one of the country's most pointed April Fool's jokes on Monday morning.

  In a post on Twitter-like microblogging service Sina Weibo, Mr. Lee announced to his 35 million followers that Facebook and Twitter -- both long blocked by the Internet censorship system commonly known as China's Great Firewall -- had suddenly become available.
  'You can now get on Facebook and Twitter in China! No need to jump over the wall! The image below will tell you how!' he wrote.
  他在微博上写道:在中国可以上Facebook,Twitter了KEKE SHAUN!! 不必翻 !下图告诉你怎么做!
  Attached to the post was a thumbnail image showing the Facebook and Twitter logos with a small line of text underneath. Users who clicked the image to expand it quickly discovered they'd been duped: 'I'm in Tapei I'm in Taipei I'm in Taipei,' the text read. 'Happy April Fool's Day!'
  附在这段文字下的是一幅小图,它包括Facebook和推特的标志以及其下的一行小字。微博用户点击这个图像将其放大后会很快发现,他们被愚弄了。这行小字的内容是:我在台北我在台北我在台北我在台北我在台北我在台北 愚人节快乐!
  A Taiwanese citizen, Mr. Lee enjoys a reputation for credibility on the Chinese Internet, thanks in part to his frank and sometimes irreverent takes on everything from China's struggle to innovate to censors' more extreme efforts to control conversation online. Last month, his Sina Weibo account was suspended for three days after he posted comments critical of state-run search engine Jike -- an episode that only served to bolster his status in the eyes of many Chinese microbloggers.
  That background helps explain how his prank post, which had been reposted nearly 30,000 times by early Monday evening, sucked in so many.
  Among the more than 10,000 comments the post drew, plenty were angry.
  'You shouldn't be so unkind,' wrote one Sina Weibo user.
  'hate you!' another wrote in English.
  另一名微博用户用英文写道:hate you!(恨你)
  Twitter was shoved outside the Great Firewall in June 2009 with Facebook following a few weeks later. Neither had built up a large Chinese user base before being blocked, though both are now the subject of widespread curiosity among Chinese Internet users without the means to jump over the wall.
  'I really want to understand the outside world. I really want to hear different voices,' was the response to Mr. Lee's prank from one plaintive microblogger.
  Not all were upset. A few with the technology to access the outside Internet even joined Mr. Lee in gloating.
  'Of course you can get on!' wrote one. 'PS: I work at a foreign company. I work at a foreign company. I work at a foreign company...'
  Still others decided to go with a semantic response, taking advantage of Beijing's insistence that Taiwan is part of China rather than an independent country.
  'Teacher Lee is being naughty and breaking the rules, speaking truth on April Fool's Day. Taiwan is a part of China. If you can get on Facebook and Twitter in Taiwan, that means these two things are available in China,' wrote a Sina Weibo users posting under the handle sadychen.
  'I hope Taiwan recaptures the mainland sooner rather than later,' said another.

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