
   2014-06-23 0
核心提示:Best bad family photo ever? 最失利全家福爆红网络   It can sum up parenthood pretty succinctly.`That`s how 32-year-old Steve Cramer described a family photo that shows his wife, Elizabeth, launch the c

Best bad family photo ever?


  It can sum up parenthood pretty succinctly.`That`s how 32-year-old Steve Cramer described a family photo that shows his wife, Elizabeth, launch the couple`s 6-month-old son into the air as she attempts to swing him around for the photo.


  The family photo has gone viral on the Internet since it was taken in late August in San Clemente, California, while the young family was on vacation with other family members.


  `In my family we have about 18 of us, and a lot of kids,` Cramer, of Castle Rock, Colorado, told GoodMorningAmerica.com. `We started out taking the large photo getting everyone to smile. But as you can imagine, getting all those kids to sit and smile doesn`t go so well.


  `When we finished with that, my 4-year-old was done. He had had enough. But my wife and I were all on the beach in the coordinating outfits and we really wanted to get one good picture to show off our happy family, but it wasn`t going so hot.`


  Cramer explains that to get the children to calm down, they try and distract the boy with some fun, candid shots. And that`s when things went horribly wrong.


  `We swung them around a couple times, but the final time I heard my wife just go, ``Ahhhh!`` so I turn around and I see my son just gracefully and peacefully doing this full layout back flip, landing flat on his back in the sand,` Cramer explained. `We were just shocked.`

  “我们牵着孩子们转了几圈,但最后一次我听到妻子大叫了一声。我转身看到儿子被抛到空中,做了一个满分的后空翻,然后轻轻的背着地躺在沙地上。” 克拉默说,“大家赶紧都惊呆了。”

  The couple says the baby cried for about two minutes but eventually got over it and was fine.


  `He sniffled a little bit,` said Cramer. `But my dad is a pediatrician and looked him over and said, ``Oh, he`s fine.`"


  once the family realized the baby was fine, they looked at the photos the photographer had taken and realized they had Internet gold - the image has already tallied more than 2 million views since being posted on Reddit.


  `We looked and we got this incredible photo. It`s hilarious,` Cramer said. `Everything could have gone wrong, but it ended as best as possible. Every time I look at the picture, though, my palms still get a little sweaty.`

  “我们看着这张照片,觉得它不可思议,特别搞笑。” 克拉默说,“一切都可能会出错,但这张照片是最好的结果了。不过每次我看到这张照片,我手掌心都还是会冒冷汗。”

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